National Academy of Medicine Publishes National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being and Calls for Collective Movement to Address Burnout Crisis
The capacity and well-being of the US health workforce has been under threat for years by an epidemic of burnout, and two years of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated this systems issue. Now at least 40 percent of nurses, 20 percent of physicians, and more than 25 percent of state and local public health department employees are considering leaving their professions. Recognizing that the function of the US health system is at stake due to dangerously mounting health care system pressures, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)’s National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being calls for immediate action to safeguard this precious national resource dedicated to protecting the nation’s health. The ACGME is proud to have contributed to this publication as part of the NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, which is co-chaired by ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP.
The National Plan was released October 3 during a special launch event featuring leaders of the Collaborative, including Dr. Nasca, who called for personal commitment to do the right thing for the right reason, to achieve the infrastructure, culture, and policy for the well-being of every worker in the sector, noting that, “the task is large, but benefits are incalculable.” The recording and transcript for the event is available on the NAM webpage.
Multiple actors are called on in the National Plan to work together to drive policy and systems change to better support the health workforce and the health of all communities – including health care and public health leaders, government, payers, industry, educators, and leaders in other sectors. A draft of the National Plan was made available for public feedback and received nearly 2,000 constructive comments. To date, the final Plan has received endorsements from more than 25 organizations representing the diverse organizational membership of the Action Collaborative and the various actors needed to collectively advance the practical strategies laid out in the Plan – including the ACGME.
The National Plan visualizes that, when all actors take responsibility, a health system in which care is delivered joyfully and with meaning, by a committed care team, in partnership with engaged patients and communities can be created. The Plan identifies a range of actions for the near-, medium-, and long-term to achieve seven priority areas for health workforce well-being, clearly naming associated goals and responsible actors. Access the full National Plan at to learn more about the priority areas for action.
For more information on the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience visit