New ACGME Equity Matters Equity Practice Toolkit Provides Tools to Strengthen Cultures of Equity
The ACGME is excited to announce the new Equity Practice Toolkit, supported in part by a Josiah Macy Jr. National Foundation President's Grant. This addition to the ACGME Equity Matters collection of educational materials includes actionable tools to support programs, institutions, and organizations with "how" to achieve equity, meaningfully and sustainably. It can be found in the ACGME’s online learning portal, Learn at ACGME, along with the ACGME Equity Matters CME Learning Path and Video Library.
The toolkit contains five components: Environmental Equity Assessment; The Power of Culture; Allyship: Foundations, Skills, and Frameworks; Acting to Dismantle Racism; and Protocols for Building Bias Response. Each section includes a brief overview of the resource and tools, and several contain educational training videos. The materials are designed for organizations that are ready to commit to advancing equity and have the support of leadership and the commitment of resources and infrastructure towards making meaningful change. The toolkit is meant to be a “quickstart” guide, starting with reflection, assessment, and project tools, then guiding users through a series of foundational skill-building resources and case studies they can review and reference as they develop or enhance their equity practice. Access the Equity Practice Toolkit here.
ACGME Equity Matters was launched in the summer of 2021 to drive change within graduate medical education by promoting health equity, increasing physician workforce diversity, and building safe and inclusive learning environments. Learn more about the initiative on the ACGME website.