Dr. Stanley J. Hamstra, ACGME Vice President, Milestones Research and Evaluation, Receives Recognition from ABIM Foundation for Scholarly Contribution Addressing Professionalism
Today the ABIM Foundation announced ACGME Vice President, Milestones Research and Evaluation Stanley J. Hamstra, PhD as one of the recipients of the seventh annual John A. Benson Jr., MD Professionalism Article Prize.
The award recognizes the importance of scholarly publication to advance the field of medical professionalism. Dr. Hamstra and David M. Irby, PhD, Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco received the award for "Parting the Clouds: Three Professionalism Frameworks in Medical Education." The article, published in the April 2016 issue of Academic Medicine, outlines three frameworks that have evolved in medical education to teach professionalism.
"Defining and assessing professionalism in medical students and residents is not an easy task," said Dr. Hamstra. "Our paper emphasizes the links between three very different approaches. We believe that by understanding the three different perspectives and their historical roots, medical educators can be more confident in teaching their learners, and this will ultimately help patients."