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August 15, 2022

August 16, 2022

NEW! Join a Discussion Forum on Revising Foundational Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education

The ACGME, Association of American Medical Colleges, and American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine are launching an initiative to create a common set of foundational competencies for use in undergraduate medical education programs in the US. This initiative aligns with recommendations outlined in the Undergraduate Medical Education-Graduate Medical Education Review Committee and is part of a comprehensive effort by all three organizations to improve the transition to residency.

Click on one of the following dates and times to register to participate in an upcoming forum; register for just one session as content will be identical.

August 17, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern
August 23, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern
September 9, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern
September 19, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern

The initiative will engage educators, students, residents, faculty members, and the public, beginning with a series of discussion forums from across medical education to collect input for the project team. The sessions will begin with a project overview and ask participants to explore questions related to the evolution of competency-based education in undergraduate medical education, such as:

  • What will we expect all future physicians to be able to do, know and value regardless of their specialty? What will we need to teach and assess to ensure an ideal future workforce?
  • For those working in medical education, what frameworks for competency-based education are currently being used and what does "use" mean at the local school level?
  • What are implications to adopting a common set of competencies across undergraduate medical education that align with graduate medical education?

Sign up to be notified if additional dates are scheduled.

After two years of hosting virtual conferences, the ACGME is pleased to reunite the graduate medical education (GME) community in person in 2023! Planning efforts are underway to make the 2023 Annual Educational Conference a safe and fun event for all.

Over three days, the conference will welcome guests from across GME, with opportunities to engage and connect with colleagues through educational sessions and exciting activities. Registration will open later this year - stay tuned!

Learn more about #ACGME2023

Sign up to be notified once registration opens

Email questions to acgmeconference@acgme.org.

NEW! Common Program Requirements

Links Corrected
An error in the links to the Common Program Requirements was discovered, but has been corrected. The Common Program Requirements links available on the Common Program Requirements page under the Currently In Effect heading are now correct.

FAQs Updated
An updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for the Common Program Requirements is accessible from the Common Program Requirements page of the ACGME website. An FAQ regarding program leadership and program coordinator dedicated time has been added.

Email questions to kmalloy@acgme.org.

DEADLINE WEDNESDAY! Register for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting

Visit the Meeting Web Page

Designed specifically for designated institutional officials and institutional leaders, this meeting will convene in Chicago and online September 7-8, 2022, with the theme of "Building Connections, Leading Change."

Participate in interactive workshops, engage in peer interest community sessions and presentations, get updates from the ACGME, and network with colleagues actively committed to leading change in Sponsoring Institutions and clinical learning environments. Hear from clinical leaders in plenary sessions and a variety of shared learning activities.

Register by this Wednesday, August 17, 2022 to attend in person or by September 2 to attend remotely.

NEW! Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management Fellowship Special Session

At the end of the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting, the ACGME will host a special session on the new accreditation designation for Sponsoring Institution-based fellowships in health care administration, leadership, and management. This will be an opportunity to connect with ACGME staff members, as well as with peers considering creating these programs. The session plan includes:

  • Review of the fellowship accreditation development
  • Peer-to-peer discussion on innovative ways to start these fellowships, including opportunities and challenges
  • Discuss the ACGME's role in creating a community of sustained conversations across Sponsoring Institutions about these fellowships

This session is open to all in-person meeting registrants and will take place Thursday, September 8, 2022 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. Central. Space is limited. Email sicollaboration@acgme.org for more information.

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Seeking Nominations for the Coordinator Advisory Group

The ACGME is accepting nominations for the next cohort of the Coordinator Advisory Group, which serves as a consultative body concerning coordinator, graduate medical education, learning environment, and accreditation matters. Members will serve three-year terms, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026.

Additional information, including the group's charge, information about the nomination process, the nomination form, and the disclosure form, can be found on the Coordinator Advisory Group page of the ACGME website.

Completed nomination packets are due Thursday, September 15, 2022. Email questions to coordadvgroup@acgme.org.

DEADLINE TODAY! Call for Applications for a Visual Media Resident/Fellow Editorial Board Member

JGME seeks a current resident or fellow to serve as a visual media editor on the journal's Editorial Board. Applicants from any specialty or subspecialty are eligible. Qualified candidates should have an interest in medical education and scholarship and prior experience in visual design or graphic art. Visit the Announcements page on the JGME website for details.

Candidates should email their CV and a brief letter of interest, as well as a statement of support from their program director, to jgme@acgme.org.

NEW! JGME Articles of the Week

Getting on the Same Page: A Quality Improvement Project to Enhance Nurse-to-Resident Communications and Reduce Overnight Sleep Interruptions
Renae Fisher, MD; Rajbir Chaggar, MD; Anthony Zenger, MD; Susan Hamilton, RN; William Carter, MD
Many residency programs use “home call” residents who answer hospital communications and place orders from home, or to arrive in-person if needed. These residents, who also work normal daytime hours while on call, experience sleep disruptions that can last several nights. This quality improvement study evaluates a novel program, in which residents collaborated with nursing staff members to reduce non-urgent overnight pages to physical medicine and rehabilitation residents between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. by studying and categorizing these pages for more than a year.

Don't Take It Lying Down—Vocation as an Antidote to Weltschmerz
T. Aaron Zeller, MD, FAAFP
Weltschmerz, a feeling of word pain or world weariness, has permeated workplaces around the globe throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, inspiring some to embrace the idea of “tangping,” or lying flat. This Perspectives article, while expressing empathy for this feeling, argues that the answer is not to resign, but rather to stand up and fight—not by militaristically pushing through pain, but by recovering compassion and reconnecting to medicine as vocation.

NEW! Case Log Resources for Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Programs Updated

The Review Committee has updated its Case Log resources, including the Case Log Instructions document. These resources are available on the Documents and Resources page of the Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine section of the ACGME website. Programs must notify their residents that an updated version of the Case Log Instructions document is available.

Resource Available: Examples of Non-Standard Training Program Types

The Institutional Review Committee has created a new resource to inform Sponsoring Institutions applying for Non-Standard Training (NST) Recognition. When a Sponsoring Institution receives Initial Recognition, it must enter a description of any active NST program in the Accreditation Data System (ADS). Program types and relationships to ACGME-accredited programs can be selected when entering the program description.

Examples of NST programs previously approved for participantion in the Exchange Visitor Program with J-1 visas sponsored by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates are now available on the NST Recognition page of the ACGME website. In the list, the program type has been linked to its most closely related specialty(ies) and/or subspecialty(ies).

Sponsoring Institutions can request new NST program types or new specialty or subspecialty relationships that do not appear in this resource.

Email questions to irc@acgme.org.

Review Committee Seeks Obstetrics and Gynecology Program Feedback

Obstetrics and gynecology residency and fellowship programs are asked to use the Major Changes and Updates section in the Accreditation Data System (ADS) during the program's ADS Annual Update to inform the Review Committee of the impact of the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health on their program. If applicable, programs should outline changes to the family planning curriculum (completed and planned) and a timeline for any planned changes.

Email questions to OBGYN-RC@acgme.org.

Pediatric Otolaryngology Key Indicator Procedures (KIPs) and Coding Guidelines Documents Updated

The Pediatric Otolaryngology Case Log Minimums, Pediatric Otolaryngology KIPs Announcement, and Pediatric Otolaryngology Case Log Coding Guidelines are available on the Documents and Resources page of the Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery section of the ACGME website.

Contact Review Committee staff members with questions; contact information is located on the Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery section of the ACGME website.

The specialty-specific block diagram templates are encouraged to be used for the ADS Annual Update, as well as for all complement increase and participating site change requests submitted as of August 1, 2022.

Email questions to Senior Accreditation Administrator Citlali Meza, MPA.

Register Now for Fall 2022 Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment Course

Led by ACGME senior staff members and selected expert instructors from around the country, Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment helps participants build effective assessment programs for their residency or fellowship. Sessions are highly interactive and use multiple learning approaches, including virtual simulations, to provide participants with approaches and tools for effective assessment. Choose from a virtual course that will meet weekly beginning October 7, 2022, or a six-day, in-person course  beginning October 9, 2022.

For details and registration information for this course and regional hub courses, visit the Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment page on the ACGME website.

ACGME Seeks Institutional Review Committee Member

The Institutional Review Committee seeks one designated institutional official to serve a six-year member term beginning July 1, 2023. Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Institutional Review Committee page of the ACGME website.

Apply by September 5, 2022. Email questions to irc@acgme.org.

ACGME Seeks Public Member

The following Review Committee seeks its next public member for a six-year term beginning July 1, 2023. These members share the perspective of the public, foster public accountability, enrich the work of the Review Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency. While nominees cannot be physicians, other health care professionals are permitted if they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs.


Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Transitional Year section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Aimee Morales
Deadline: November 1, 2022

ACGME Seeks Resident Members

The following Review Committees seeks nominations for their next resident member. Nominees must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship program at the time of the appointment and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of that program. After review and consideration of all nominees, the Review Committees will forward their selection to the ACGME Board of Directors for approval. Terms begin July 1, 2023 and end June 30, 2025.

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Neurology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Tiffany Hewitt
Deadline: October 3, 2022

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Dermatology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Sandra Benitez
Deadline: September 12, 2022

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Emergency Medicine section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Bianca Andino
Deadline: October 3, 2022

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Institutional Review Committee page of the ACGME website.
Contact: irc@acgme.org
Deadline: September 5, 2022

Career Opportunities

The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.

View Open Positions