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Meaning in Medicine: The #ACGME2024 Annual Educational Conference

September 6, 2023

The challenges the graduate medical education (GME) community continues to face render it imperative that GME educators, learners, clinicians, and administrators continue to connect, learn, and grow in their work. A fundamental factor in maintaining that commitment to professional growth is finding that sometimes elusive but all-important motivator, meaning in medicine. The 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, which will take place March 7-9, 2024 in Orlando, Florida, offers an unparalleled opportunity for GME professionals to come together to remind themselves and each other of the reasons they entered medicine and the contributions they can make to the health and well-being of their patients and society.

The conference’s theme, “Meaning in Medicine,” reflects the ACGME's fiercely focused commitment to presenting an inspiring, well-run, content-rich experience, at which attendees can meet like-minded professionals and acquire or enhance the tools that enable them to deliver meaningful excellence in health care and medical education.

Unprecedented Scale
Drawing attendees from a wide range of GME roles, the Annual Educational Conference provides a unique platform for networking and collaboration. Program directors, faculty members, residents and fellows, designated institutional officials, coordinators, and other health care administrators and professionals from across the country and the world come together to learn, engage, and leave inspired to continue their vital work as medical practitioners and educators.

Full-Day Courses: A New Approach
Starting in 2023, the ACGME introduced a new approach to focused learning by offering Full-Day Courses on the first day of the conference. These courses, which are included in the conference registration fee, offer participants an opportunity to delve deeply into content specifically designed for select audiences, such as program directors, DIOs, coordinators, medical educators, those interested in learning more about Osteopathic Recognition, and those interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion in GME.

Build Your Network
Networking is an integral part of professional growth, and the conference offers a prime opportunity to expand professional connections within the GME community. Attendees will get to know peers and colleagues, exchange ideas, and gain fresh perspectives. These connections will extend beyond the three days of the conference, potentially leading to future collaborations and a robust support system in academic medicine.

Discover What's New
Over three days, conference attendees will be able to connect through both educational sessions tailored to their roles in GME and to broader GME content. Sessions provide access to the latest resources and information that can be brought back to programs and institutions and shared with colleagues. Topics range from ACGME accreditation and initiatives to diversity, equity, and inclusion; faculty and professional development; well-being; crisis management; assessment; and more.

Professional Development and CME
Educational sessions, exhibits, networking events, and poster presentations are designed to facilitate development, ignite new ideas, and develop professional connections. CME credit is included in the registration fee for physician attendees, while non-physicians will receive a Certificate of Completion, both at no additional cost.

The ACGME Annual Educational Conference stands as the premier event for educators involved in GME. Its scale, multi-disciplinary approach, inclusion of Full-Day Courses and the CME Passport, networking opportunities, and focus on professional development make it an unparalleled experience. Attendees leave not only with a wealth of new knowledge, but also with a sense of inspiration and the drive to shape the future of academic medicine.

Don't miss the chance to find, grow, and develop your sense of Meaning in Medicine! The ACGME invites you to take a few seconds now to sign up to be notified when registration for the 2024 Annual Educational Conference opens in late fall.