Register for #ACGME2023 Today!
Choose from more than 140 educational and interactive sessions; there's something for everyone in graduate medical education (GME). New to the conference? Visit the First-Time Attendees page or use this email template to help define individual professional goals.
More than 1,500 people have already registered and the reserved hotel room block is already 35 percent sold out! Only registered attendees have access to the conference hotel room block, so register today to secure a room. Early bird registration ends January 9, 2023.
Email questions to
Conference Highlight: Job Board Postings
Submit postings for the conference's online job board by February 10, 2023! (Conference attendance is not required to submit a job listing.)
Opportunities for exhibits and sponsorships are also available, but going fast! Review the 2023 Exhibitor Prospectus and reserve a booth or sponsorship.
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NEW! Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) National Report of Findings 2022
The CLER National Report of Findings 2022: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on the Clinical Learning Environment is now available. The report details results from an 18-month site visit protocol that assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the clinical learning environment. This report identifies opportunities to optimize patient care and GME in addressing challenges that are likely to persist as clinical sites recover from the pandemic’s acute phases.
NEW! Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine FAQs Updated
The Review Committee added FAQs on the following topics (the document is available on the Program Requirements and FAQs and Applications page of the Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine section of the ACGME website):
- In-training exam requirements
- Transfer residents
- Communication of COVID-19-related impacts on the program
- Continuity of care clinic time requirements
- Rotation time requirements
- Elective rotations: settings and rotation time requirements
- Asynchronous online electives
- Resident scholarly activity reporting in the Accreditation Data System (ADS)
- International rotation requests
Non-Standard Training (NST) Program Description Reference Document Available
A Sponsoring Institution with NST Recognition must provide additional information for each of its NST programs in ADS. The form will be completed in ADS for all NST programs. The document can be found here under the "Documents and Resources" header.
For any questions, email
Office Hours with the Vice President, Sponsoring Institutions
To assist with changes related to institutional accreditation and recognition, Paul Foster Johnson, vice president, Sponsoring Institutions, will host office hours for discussions with GME community members. The office hours provide an informal opportunity for GME community members to get answers to their questions on the following topic:
Recognition of Sponsoring Institutions with Non-Standard Training Programs for Physicians with J-1 Visas
December 19 at 11:00 a.m. Central
Meeting ID: 963 6777 4037 (ID is linked)
Passcode: 844053
No advance registration or RSVP is required. Email questions to
Case Log Update for Gynecologic Oncology
Changes have been made to the ACGME Case Log System to improve logging for gynecologic oncology fellows. "Disease site/category" is now optional and entered through a drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Additionally, fellows will log administration of chemotherapy and targeted therapeutic cycles (not patients) and can “batch enter” the cycles. Chemoradiation is no longer logged. The Case Log now includes “Favorites” lists to facilitate logging common cases. Case Log reports will also more meaningfully present data on splenectomy, diaphragmatic stripping/resection, sentinel lymph node biopsy, and lymphadenectomy procedures.
The updated Case Log Instructions: Gynecologic Oncology document is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Obstetrics and Gynecology section of the ACGME website. The “Common Questions” section includes guidance on logging chemotherapy and targeted therapeutic cycles.
Email questions to
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Complement Distribution Requests
The Review Committee developed a new process and guidelines for complement distribution requests where annual temporary complement requests are not required. This document can be found on the Documents and Resources page in the Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery section of the ACGME website. As of now, complement distribution requests should be submitted using the new process.
Email questions to Accreditation Administrator Randie Salerno, MBA.
REGISTRATION OPEN! Leadership Skills Training Programs for Chief Residents
This workshop is designed to provide a transitional experience into the role of chief resident. Small-group sessions and exercises offer incoming chief residents the tools, skills, and a learning environment designed to increase their understanding of their personal leadership styles, strengths, and weaknesses as leaders, developing knowledge and appreciation of group and interpersonal behavior and learning additional skills critical to success and satisfaction as both a clinician and leader.
All eight programs, held in Chicago and Philadelphia, are open to chief residents from all medical and surgical specialties.
Email questions about the course to Ann Riley. Email registration questions to
NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) Articles of the Week
A Welcome to International Authors
Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP; Lalena M. Yarris, MD, MCR; Harm Peters, MD, MHPE
Given the limited geographic representation in medical education literature, which primarily reflects a Western perspective, this editorial welcomes international authors to submit studies to JGME that explore GME from diverse perspectives. Based on their experiences as researchers and editors, the authors also propose tips to international authors for both research and writing.
A Reflection and Discussion Exercise on Racial Justice and Equity
Rohan Patnaik, BS; Nabil Attlassy, BS; Susan Davids, MD, MPH; Kathlyn E. Fletcher, MD, MA
This Educational Innovation article describes a forum for reflection and discussion developed for residents at a large, urban tertiary-care hospital during civil unrest in the summer of 2020. It also explores how the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement affected residents’ perspectives on racial inequality, as well as how their own lives and thinking may have changed.
The US Residency Match at 70: What Was, What Is, and What Could Be
Edwin Williamson, MD; Caroline Soane, BA; J. Bryan Carmody, MD, MPH
This Perspectives article looks at the history of the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) and the challenges it faces today, such as increasing numbers of applications, as well as its recent efforts to improve transparency and ease congestion. The authors propose how the NRMP could further improve processes regarding timelines for interview offers and acceptances, the number of interview offers, congestion reduction, and data standardization.
Review and Comment
The ACGME has updated its form for collecting Review and Comment feedback. The change is designed to be more user friendly and reduce administrative burden.
The following Program Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment, here:
Comment Deadline: January 11, 2023
Brain Injury Medicine – Major Revision
Career Opportunities
The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.